Bright blue trousers with a bright pink blouse
Not every week I get to do a report on a city trip. I hope you understand that. This post will be much shorter than last week. I combined my bright blue trousers with a bright pink blouse as I love contrasts and bright colours. All from my own wardrobe.
Ron took the photos as we were out with our dog Watson.
Below: One of these typical Dutch landscape views. Mill in the distance and water.
Below: Ron directed me to the jetty, so he could capture me and the mill (and a boat), all in the same picture.
Below: The boys who were swimming there, probably thought I was rather odd, all dressed up.
Below: This was the picture Ron envisioned and I complained that I was barely visible.
Below: So, he placed me among a few trees. Nice composition but you can still hardly see me and my shoes disappear in the grass.
Below: There were people picnicking further down who thought our shenanigans were quite amusing. You have seen the trousers before here and here and the blouse here.
Below: Not the best photo perhaps but at least you can see my white and silver shoes.
Below: Meanwhile Watson was running around, having a great time.
Below: I do like this shot, trying not to get dirty.
Below: We saw a pheasant couple. As I tried to get closer I saw the female going to a nest on the grass and I backed away. Didn’t want to scare them.
And that concluded the photo shoot.
What happened in my life this week
Saturday was a joyful day as I went to Amsterdam with Anke and Sabine in the context our friend group Shopping Saturday. Beautiful weather, excellent company and many shops. I held out as long as I could, but half an hour before I had to go home I succumbed and bought my third item of the 10 I am ‘allowed’ this year.
Below: Sabine (left) and Anke.
My challenge of only 10 new clothes items this year is working out very well. I keep repeating the sentence “Is this item worth to be one of the 10?”. And what also helps are the three words I think my clothes should convey: arty, edgy or modern. I tried on a blouse which was gorgeous and looked really good on me, but it was romantic/bohemian and that is certainly not me (see nicked photo of the internet below).
Knowing what suits you and your figure and knowing who you are, are the first things you need to find out if you want to dress well (which means, to your own liking). Knowing your best colours is the next step.
In the evening Ron and I had dinner at our neighbours. They are such good cooks, it was a great meal and again, excellent company. I think I am a very lucky woman with so many friends.
Of course I visited mum, but we only sat on the balcony as it was too windy for her to go out.
As photos are a must for a blog post I had another photo shoot with Marjolein. Splendid weather, actually too sunny. (Always something to complain about.) I wore my new ‘third item’.
Below: Saw my friend Janneke over coffee. Such a positive, happy creature. She is holding the battery of her electric bike. Best to take that with you when you leave your bike.
We got a new dishwasher. First the cooker went, then the dishwasher and the guy who installed the machine, warned us that the fridge/freezer needs replacing too. He said that things like these appliances only last 8 to 10 years. My husband refuses to believe that and blames the brand (I think he is wrong).
In the evening Anke came round to borrow some things to complete her outfit for a friend’s wedding in Spain. I mean, why buy an evening bag or earrings or whatever, when you have enough choice to shop from in my wardrobe haha.
Also had a picnic in the park with a group of my former colleagues (below). I was so grateful that the sun was out and it didn’t rain. Risky thing to organise a picnic in the Netherlands.
Below: Former colleague Wouter and I.
Wouter is such good fun. We both love saucy jokes and used to kill ourselves laughing. I miss that. If you are wondering what I am holding…it is an ice cream. I asked Wouter whether the civilised way to eat an ice cream would be sideways LOL. Office banter.
Anyway, it was a busy and lovely week.